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Coming down with something and want to nip it in the bud?

This recipe is for you.

Isn’t it true that whenever you begin to feel a little off it is always the most inconvenient time to be sick? Two days before a big interview, you just moved, winter break just started and all your kids are home. You know what I mean…

Here is a great quick “wellness shot” to put together as soon as you feel something coming on.

In a shot glass layer 4 even layers of:

● Olive oil ● Fresh lemon juice ● Honey ● Finely chopped garlic

Now, bottoms up!

Take this about every four hours for two days until you feel better.

This shot has antimicrobial, antiviral and immune-supporting benefits. ● The lemon is high in vitamin c which is an antioxidant and supports the immune system. ● Honey is a powerful antimicrobial along with being full of the properties of the flowers whose nectar the honey was made from. ● Garlic is antiviral and immune-supporting in addition to have a soothing effect on upper respiratory issues. ● Lastly, olive oil has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Note: If the bad timing is two hours before a date omit the garlic and use ginger root instead

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