As a new parent, it is perfectly normal to be a little nervous about your child's first vaccination. The most important thing to remember is that your child's experience will be influenced by your guidance and role models.

In this blog, you will learn a few simple tips on what and how to prepare yourself and your child for the vaccination process.
Vaccination is a simple, safe, and effective way to protect people from diseases before they are exposed to harmful diseases. It uses your body's natural defenses to build resistance to specific infections and strengthen your immune system.
Tip 1: A well-rested and comfortable baby is much easier and is well-prepared to be immunized. This is why it is best to put your baby down for a nap for at least 2-4 hours before the immunization appointment.
Tip 2: Try to feed your baby at least an hour or 2 before the immunization appointment and dress your baby in a way to where they are most comfortable. The more comfortable your baby is, the easier job will it be for your doctors to get your child vaccinated. You may also bring your child's favorite toy to distract and comfort your child.
Tip 3: Make sure to let your doctor aware of your child's condition. If they have health issues from the day your child is born, make sure to disclose them to your child's doctor and nurse. If your child is already a toddler and has certain allergies, inform your doctor. Whatever health and prehistoric condition your child has, make sure to tell the doctors about it.
Tip 4: If your child becomes ill or has a fever on the day of the vaccination, be sure to notify your nurse before your child gets any vaccination. Your nurse will assess whether your child should be vaccinated that day, or it is best to reschedule.
Tip 5: Hug your baby. Studies have found that babies who are upright when receiving needles tend to cry less.
Tip 6: Remember, distractions should not interfere with the nurse vaccinating your child. You may want to consider asking in advance what type of toys your child might bring to the appointment. In this way, distraction is suitable for your child and also right for the appointment.

It is to be expected that there are some common and mild effects after immunizing your child. Here are some quick tips on what to do:
Expect a mild fever. There are some medicines that can help reduce fever. If you are not sure which medicine or dosage to take, please consult your pharmacist or doctor. Follow the instructions on the packaging.
Sore on the part where they had the needle. Place a cool damp cloth in the area where the needle is placed. If you are not sure which medicine or dosage to take, please consult your pharmacist or doctor. Follow the instructions on the packaging.
Inconsistent mood and change on the appetite. Sometimes the baby may feel tired and easily upset, and sometimes the baby may feel tired, easily upset, and does not want to eat for a few hours after vaccination. After the appointment, relax in a quiet environment at home. Hold and hug your child when necessary, and remember to keep the temperature at a comfortable level; if it gets too hot, your child is more likely to be upset.
Your child may have mild reactions, such as pain and swelling at the injection site or fever; these are common and will go away soon. If you have any questions, please contact your child's doctor.