I think the holiday season can get so busy for all of us, it is easy to let yourself become a last priority. So here are 7 ways you can keep yourself healthy and feeling great this winter!
Do not let this slip! In summer we are always thinking about nice ice cold drinks and staying hydrated. I think this easily slips in winter when I tend to start drinking Starbucks coffees like it is my job and I forget to be diligent about my water consumption. So watch this and make sure you are on top of lots and lots and lots of water. This is my super easy Early Morning and Just Before Bed Detox Water that works really well for me. So comforting!
Don’t let your sleep fall off your priority list this winter and if you do start to feel like you might be coming down with something- the very first thing I do is stop and rest. It is the best way to keep yourself healthy and help your body fight off nasty stuff.
It is really important to stick to your routine and find a way to stay on track with fitness. Having a fit body is the best way to stay young and energized. I can absolutely feel the fatigue and moodiness when I let my routine slip for a few days. Here are some tips to stay motivated on your exercise routine.
Duh? Right? Wash your hands. Seriously wash your hands like you have a slight obsession with it. I try not to be mindless when I wash my hands in winter- remember to thoroughly lather and wash the front and back of your hands for 30 seconds. And do it a lot.
A detox bath can be so good for you too- just add Epsom salts, baking soda and a few drops of therapeutic grade essential oils to the tub. The Epsom and baking soda will relieve achy muscles, soreness, help you sleep better, reduce tension and stress. You should do this no more then 3 times a week for 12-30 min and be sure you drink a TON of water to re-hydrate your body.
In winter it gets so cold and there are just treats and wonderful things everywhere to tempt you. Fresh spinach salad? No thanks, pass the steaming hot bowl of potato soup please! And I’d like to wash that down with a few cookies… and possibly a Hot Toddy. I can’t be the only one on that right?!
